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Think back to why you have repeatedly defeated in the casino. After the defeat, the process of thinking always knows the reason. It is nothing more than impulsiveness, impatience, greed, and anger. The corrupt mentality of the gambling process has let the original methods and plans all go to waste, falling into the fate of losing money again and again.<a href="http://www.77anm.com/" target="_blank" title="¿ÂÄ«Áö³ëÁÖ¼Ò">¿ÂÄ«Áö³ëÁÖ¼Ò</a><br />
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Sunlight mentality is a normal, positive, contented, grateful mental state. Things are neutral; it's up to me; the focus is on the process; having a mentality of sunshine can make people deep and impulsive, modest but not public, confident and friendly, self-harmonious, and those with a mentality of sunshine know how to be content People who are happy are not happy with things and people who are not sad. In the process of gambling, with a sunny mindset, you can calmly think, take correct strategies, and weigh the weights.<br />
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Mindset determines fate, so I said that mindset also decides whether or not to make a profit in the casino.<br />
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