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The biggest factor behind the big swing in earnings was the estimated value of Berkshire's investments and derivatives. This year, those were worth $622 million. Last year, Berkshire recorded a $612 million paper loss on those. | 5.188.2.xxx.xxx
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And as if that wasn't hard enough, Sanchez was hit with a one-two punch. At about the same time he was learning that Smith would start in Week 1, his boss -- owner Woody Johnson -- intimated the former starter was partially responsible for the injury. | 5.188.2.xxx.xxx
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And there are good reasons to think the carnage is not complete. China, as shown in its recent dismal trade figures, is slowing alarmingly rapidly. That won&#8217;t just hurt investments there, but will pressure many of the resource-rich emerging markets like Russia and Brazil which have reaped the rewards of a strong appetite from China for food, energy and other commodities. The IMF on Tuesday cut its growth forecasts for most major emerging markets, and cited weakness among them as justification for a weaker outlook for the rest of the world. | 5.188.2.xxx.xxx
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